15 Positive Things to Say to Yourself To Get Yourself Out of Bed
Are you constantly hitting snooze when the alarm goes off and wishing you didn’t have to get out of bed? When our eyes open for the first time in the morning, most of us grunt and then have racing thoughts about what we don’t want to get up for. We think about not wanting to […]
Top 6 Benefits of Laughter
Think about the last time you had a good ol’ fashion belly laugh. Didn’t it feel amazing? Laughing is known to be the best medicine for making you feel better instantly. So go ahead and take a couple spoonfuls of laugher when you are feeling down. Find something funny about a usually not-so-funny situation and […]
Jim Carrey – Doing What You Love
This is part of the Commencement Address 2014 Jim Carrey did at Maharish University. This university uses a consciousness-based education, where all students and faculty practice the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique. This technique has been proven to increase brain functioning, creativity and intelligence, reduced stress, and improve learning ability, academic performance (GPA), ability to focus […]
If You Think By Napoleon Hill
If you think you are beaten, you are, If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you like to win, but you think you can’t, It is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost, For out in the world we find, Success begins […]
Life is Right Now – Jon Kabat-Zinn on Mindfulness
Jon Kabat-Zinn designed the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program in 1979 and created the Stress Reduction Clinic and Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. He is an amazingly inspiring speaker and writer on mindfulness. He explains mindfulness in a way that makes you really believe […]
5 Quotes to Remember About Your Thoughts
These 5 quotes remind us that our thoughts are extremely powerful and create our reality. Having a positive, good thought about yourself, your situation, your life….will lead to positive, good things, such as feeling happy and getting what you desire. However, the opposite is true as well. Having negative, bad thoughts lead us to feeling […]