5 Powerful Life Lessons We Can Learn From The Elderly
1. Be yourself and don’t care about what others think of you It’s truly inspiring to see our grandparents and parents not give a damn about what others think of them. They will be silly and shake their booties to their favorite song. They will tell someone off for being an a**hole, laugh at […]
Embracing Formal Practice: Tasting Mindfulness by Jon Kabat-Zinn
Have you ever had the experience of stopping so completely? of being in your body so completely, of being in your life so completely that you knew and what you didn’t know that what had been and what was yet to come, and the way things are right now no longer held even the slightest […]
6 Ways to Tackle Stress at Work
If you are human then you have probably experienced stress at work. It is natural to feel overwhelmed at times, but it is how we deal with these feelings that affect our quality of life. There are many things we can do to help us cope with our stress everyday. A little background about myself… […]
10 Tips to Rejuvenate Your Mind, Body and Soul
1. Spend Time in Nature Stress and worries disappear when you’re in nature, appreciating the beauty that surrounds you. There is just something magical about being outdoors surrounded by trees, flowers, birds, looking up at the sky, smelling the fresh air, and soaking in the sun, that gives me an electrical energy and peacefulness […]
What The Real World Would Be Like If It Was A Little More Like Burning Man
We would be kind to each other. No gossip, no judgement, no hatred, no racism. We would give to each other and not expect anything in return. We would hug each other more. Forget the boring, impersonal handshakes. We would have more fun, share more laughs, and not take life so seriously. We would be […]
Create Your Own Style of Meditating
Most people think of formal meditation as sitting in a crossed-legged position, with your eyes closed, and palms up resting on your legs. In reality, there are many forms of meditation and it is important for you to find the right practice that works for you. Having a variety of options to choose from allows […]
Life = Risk Video
We often are scared to take risks because we are afraid to fail. But if you never fail, you will never grow to be what you can become. Mistakes and failures take us to the next level, closer to reaching our goals. Don’t quit because someone turned you down or something went wrong. If you […]
8 Steps to Stay Mentally and Emotionally Strong
Life can sometimes hand you lemons and everyone expects you to make lemonade out of them. Mental and emotional strength is important in order to handle life’s up’s and down’s. Being mentally and emotionally strong is something that takes practice but can help you to take life’s lemons and turn them into life strengthening lessons […]