Stress and Its Effect on Your Body

Everyone experiences stress, some more than others. It is the body’s way of reacting to change, good or bad. Positive stress helps to guide you through dangerous situations or be aware of your surroundings. Negative stress is when a person constantly experiences obstacles or challenges and feels no relief or alleviation of their situation. When your body is exceeding the amount it has to give, perceiving something as harmful, or hitting the point of mental or physical exhaustion, it becomes stressed. Society tells us that this is a part of life and that we just have to deal with it. But the reality is that there are countless methods of managing stress. And the far worse reality is that the long-term effects of stress can take serious tolls on your body.

Here are some of the negative effects of stress:

Gray Hair
Weakened Immune System
Pimples and wrinkles
Lack of Sleep
High Blood Pressure
Weight Gain
Depression or anxiety
Skin conditions
Heart problems

That was a whole lot of negativity, but here is the good news. Stress can be managed! And we have some great techniques for you to help you manage your stress.

Here are some techniques you can use to manage stress:

1. Journaling

Writing down your thoughts is a great way to rid yourself of them. By writing down experiences you’ve had or the way you’re feeling, you can free your mind of them. As you put down your pen and close your journal, imagine yourself ending the chapter on those feelings, closing the door on those particular emotions, and awaiting a fresh page of happier experiences to come.

2. Exercising

Do you have a hard time falling asleep at night? Does your mind ever feel like it’s racing and you can’t seem to stop thoughts from coming to your mind? This can be a form of stress related anxiety. One way to stop your racing mind is to tire it out! Take a walk in the mornings before work or after dinner. Join a group fitness class at your local gym, or take a nice hike to relieve your mind. While exercising your mind should be thinking of nothing else other than what you are doing. It’s important to focus on your breathing and technique while working out and this will also help to quiet your mind. A healthy body will lead to a healthy mind.

3. Meditating

Give your body the time it needs to decompress and stop all your brain’s chatter from its busy day. Meditation is a way for your body to experience complete relaxation. It can take away the day’s stress, give you energy and bring inner peace. You can practice meditation anywhere, at home, taking a walk, or even during a frustrating meeting. There are different types of meditation practices that can calm you and bring you emotional balance and overall wellness.
These are just a few ways to help manage stress and alleviate the negative feelings of a hectic day. The key is to be open to trying new things and finding out what works best for you.

“It is not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it.” ~Hans Selye


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